Where Are You Going?

Keep moving forward.

Strive for more, but don’t confuse that with bigger and better.

Enhance your existence, expand your reach.

Be honest with yourself.

Be aware of what you need and what you want.

You know all the platitudes and questions:
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
“What does success look like to you?”

Find the balance.

Choose your path, develop your plan.

Keep moving forward.

01 Where are you going

52 Weeks of Creativity

A year ago, I participated in my first Photo-A-Day Challenge. A month later, I created my first photo challenge. Last month, I did the Blogging A to Z Challenge for the first time.

In that spirit, I’ve developed my first Creativity Challenge. I’ve put together 52 Prompts – one for each week of the next year. Each suggestion can be interpreted in multiple ways, across multiple creative or business endeavors.

The lists for each quarter and the whole year are below, and I’ll be posting the individual prompts on Facebook each Sunday. Share links to your creations in the comments here or on Facebook so I can see what you’re up to!

Create on!

52 Weeks

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4