Resolutions and Reflections

While heartbreaking in many respects, 2016 was still full of wonderful experiences. I found a writing group where I can hone both my writing and editing skills; my husband and I saw FIVE Dave Matthews Band Shows (including three at the Gorge); we took our kids to the polls for both the primary and the general elections; and we celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary.

I wrapped up 19 months of photo-a-day challenges, I’m almost three-quarters of the way through my #52WeeksofCreativity challenge, and I’ve been fortunate to collaborate with some talented artists and writers.

This year, I’ll start each month with a quick rundown of my pieces from the previous month. I start today with the end of last year. I’m hoping this will keep me on track with writing more regularly.

Writing Reflections: 

On Writing
On ReWriting


A Lot vs Allot
Happy Holidays
Words of the Year


The Llama Problem

Children’s Programming:

Criteria of a Good Show
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Take a Professional Quality Selfie


Lake Michigan

Where Are You Going?

Keep moving forward.

Strive for more, but don’t confuse that with bigger and better.

Enhance your existence, expand your reach.

Be honest with yourself.

Be aware of what you need and what you want.

You know all the platitudes and questions:
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
“What does success look like to you?”

Find the balance.

Choose your path, develop your plan.

Keep moving forward.

01 Where are you going